Top Dissertation Award

My former PhD student Lara Wolfers (now University of Amsterdam) received the Top Dissertation Award of the Mobile Communication Division of ICA for her Dissertation on “Stress Management and Coping Using Smartphone by Mothers of Young Children”. Congrats!

Lara Wolfers receiving top dissertation award at #ica23 in Toronto

Post-Doc position

I’m looking for a post-doc starting in October. Background in media psychology, communication science, or a related discipline and interest in knowledge-related social/mobile media use. Help with PhD supervision welcome (see the last three job ads). For more experienced people, the position can be E-14 Tv-L (deputy lab head)

Applications for project on algorithmic bias still possible!

Hiring PhDs for this project has been until I decided whether I take another job offer. It will be re-advertized soon with a new number, but it’s still possible to apply to this job ad:

Background in #socialpsychology, #communicationscience or related discipline, experience with conducting #experiments

Doktorand*innenstelle in BMBF-Projekt VREUNDE (German post, because I need a German-speaking person)

Interesse an Kommunikationsmustern und Medienrepertoires in Freundesgruppen und Spaß an einem praktisch-orientiertem Projekt, in dem Kommunikationstools entwickelt und getestet werden? Das Projekt ist Teil der Nähe-Distanz Ausschreibung; Austausch mit den Projektpartner*innen und den anderen Teilprojekten ist erwünscht. Beginn kann wahrscheinlich auf 1.6. verschoben und Laufzeit entsprechend verlängert werden.

SAW-project on Science Communication approved

The SAW-project „NewOrder – Understanding the erosion of the traditional knowledge order in scientific online discourse and its impact in times of crisis“ has been approved for funding. The interdisciplinary project will be led by Prof. Dr. Stefan Dietze, together with researchers from GESIS and the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf we will examine how changed orders of the publication process (e.g., preprints) and blurring roles in science communication affect trust in science. Job ad for a PhD student is coming out soon (conducting experiments and a longitudinal study).