Anderl, C., Klein, S. H., Sarigül, B., Schneider, F. M., Han, J., Fiedler, P., & Utz, S. (2024). Conversational presentation mode increases credibility judgements during information search with ChatGPT. Scientific Reports, 14, 17127. DOI:10.1038/s41598-024-67829-6
Anderl, C., Levordashka, A., & Utz, S. (2024). Ambient awareness of who knows what: Spontaneous inferences of domain expertise. Media Psychology, 27(3), 329-351. DOI:10.1080/15213269.2023.2239144
Gaiser, F., & Utz, S. (2024). Is hearing really believing? The importance of modality for perceived message credibility during information search with smart speakers. Journal of Media Psychology, 36(2), 93-106. DOI:10.1027/1864-1105/a000384
Klein, S.H., Papies, D., & Utz, S. (2024). How interaction mechanism and error responses influence users’ responses to customer service chatbots. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2024.2351707
Klein, S.H. & Utz, S. (2024). Chatbot vs. human: The impact of responsive conversational features on users’ responses to chat advisors. Human-Machine-Communication, 8, 73-99. DOI:10.30658/hmc.8.4
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Sarigul, B., Schneider, F., & Utz, S. (2024). Believe it or not? Investigating the credibility of voice assistants in the context of social roles and relationship types. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. Advance online publication. DOI:0.1080/10447318.2024.2375797
Utz, S. (2024). How gender and type of algorithmic group discrimination influence ratings of algorithmic decision-making. International Journal of Communication, 18, 570-589.
Wolfers, L. N., Lüpken, L. M., Schimmel, M., Utz, S., Nabi, R. L., & Gaiser, F. (2024).Coping with the COVID-19 pandemic by using media: Extending the coping goodness-of-fit hypothesis to media use. Communication Studies. Advance online publication. DOI:10.1080/10510974.2024.2365068
Anderl, C., Baumann, L., & Utz, S. (2023). Social networking site use in professional contexts. In J. Skopek (ed.), Research Handbook on Digital Sociology. (pp. 178 – 193). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Reimann, L., Anderl, C., & Utz, S. (2023). Individual and situational factors influencing active behavior in professional video conferences with strangers. Social Science Computer Review, 41(2), 702-723. DOI:10.1177/08944393221117456
Sigler, F., Kainz, V., Enßlin, T., Boehm, C., & Utz, S. (2023). Behavioral influence of social self perception in a sociophysical simulation. Physical Sciences Forum, 9, 3. DOI:10.3390/psf2023009003
Utz, S. (2023). Social media, jealousy, and romantic relationships. In R. Nabi & J. Myrick (eds.), Emotions in the digital world: Exploring affective experience and expression in online interactions (pp. 338 – 356). Oxford University Press
Utz, S. (2023). Soziale Medien als Quelle von Emotionen [Social media as source of emotions]. In Sassenberg, K. & Vliek, M.L.W. (Hrsg.). Sozialpsychologie: Von der Theorie zur Anwendung [Social psychology in action: From theory to practice] (pp. 223-238). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Utz, S., Huff, M., & Said, N. (2023). Are you worried about getting COVID-19 or about losing your job? How different COVID-19 related fears are indirectly related to vaccination acceptance via media consumption. European Journal of Health Communication, 4, 72-92. DOI:10.47368/ejhc.2023.305
Wolfers, L.N., Utz, S., Wendt, R., & Honecker, J. (2023). Situation-, person-, and device-specific factors when mothers use their smartphones for coping with stress. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 17(3), article 1, DOI:10.5817/CP2023-3-1.
Wolfers, L.N., Wendt, R., Becker, D., & Utz, S. (2023). Do you love your phone more than your child? The consequences of norms and guilt around maternal smartphone use. Human Communication Research, July, 285-295. DOI:10.1093/hcr/hqad001
Bozkir, E., Kasneci, G., Utz, S., & Kasneci, E. (2022). Regressive saccadic eye movements on fake news. In 2022 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (pp. 1-7).
Domahidi, E., Merkt, M., Thiersch, C., Utz, S., & Schüler, A. (2022). You want this job? Influence of text and picture in professional networking service profiles on expertise evaluation. Media Psychology, 25 (2), 290-317. DOI:10.1080/15213269.2021.1927104
Etzrodt, K., Gentzel, P., Utz, S., & Engesser, S. (2022). Human-machine-communication: introduction to the special issue. Publizistik, 67, 439-448. DOI:10.1007/s11616-022-00754-8
Gaiser, F. & Utz, S. (2022). “My daily dose of sedation” – The secret to success of the science communication podcast coronavirus-update with the virologist Christian Drosten and its effect on listeners. Studies in Communication and Media, 11(3), 427-452. DOI:10.5771/2192-4007-2022-3-427
Greussing, E., Gaiser, F., Klein, S. H., Straßmann, C., Ischen, C., Eimler, S., Frehmann, K., Gieselmann, M., Knorr, C., Lermann Henestrosa, A., Räder, A., & Utz, S. (2022). Researching interactions between humans and machines: methodological challenges. Publizistik, 67, 531-554. DOI:10.1007/s11616-022-00759-3
Kainz, V., Boehm, C., Utz, S., & Enßlin, T. (2022). Information and agreement in the reputation game simulation. Entropy, 24, 1767. DOI:10.3390/e24121768
Utz, S., Gaiser, F., Wolfers, L.N. (2022). Guidance in the chaos: Effects of science communication by virologists during the COVID-19 crisis in Germany and the role of parasocial phenomena. Public Understanding of Science, 31(6), 799-817. DOI:10.1177/09636625221093194
Utz, S. & Wolfers, L. (2022). How-to videos on YouTube: the role of the instructor. Information, Communication & Society, 25(7), 959-974. DOI:10.1080/1369118X.2020.1804984
Wolfers, L. & Utz, S. (2022). Social media, stress, and coping. Current Opinion in Psychology, 45(22), 101305. DOI:10.1016/j.copsyc.2022.101305
Baumann, L. & Utz, S. (2021). Professional networking: exploring differences between offline and online networking. Cyberpsychology Journal of Psychosocial Research in Cyberspace, 15(1), Article 2. DOI:10.5817/CP2021-1-2
Dienlin, T. et al. (2021). An agenda for open science in communication. Journal of Communication, 71(1), 1-26 DOI:10.1093/joc/jqz052
Huth, F., Blascheck, T., Koch, S., Utz, S., & Ertl, T. (2021). Word-sized visualizations for exploring discussion diversity in social media. Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer vision, imaging and computer graphics theory and applications [VISIGRAPP 2021] – Volume 3: IVAPP, pp. 256-265.
Otto, F., Pawlowski, T., & Utz, S. (2021). Trust in fairness, doping, and the demand for sports: A study on international track and field events. European Sport Management Quarterly, 21(5), 731-747. DOI:10.1080/16184742.2021.1942125
Sümer, Ö., Bozkir, E., Kübler, T., Grüner, S., Utz, S. & Kasneci, E. (2021). FakeNewsPerception: An eye movement dataset on the perceived believability of news stories. Data in Brief, April, 6909106909 . DOI:10.1016/j.dib.2021.106909
Utz, S., Otto, F., & Pawlowski, T. (2021). “Germany crashes out of World Cup”. A mixed-method study on the effects of crisis communication on Facebook. Journal of Sport Management, 35(1), 44-54. DOI:10.1123/jsm.2019-0430.
Utz, S., Wolfers, L. N., & Göritz, A. S. (2021). The effects of situational and individual factors on algorithm acceptance in COVID-19 related decision-making: a preregistered online experiment. Human-Machine Communication, 3, 27-45. DOI:10.30658/hmc.3.3
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Teichman, D., Talley, E., Egidy,S., Engel, C., Gummadi, K.P., Hagel, K., Lewandowsky, S., MacCoun, R.J., Utz, S. & Zamir, E. (2020). Institutions promoting or countering deliberate ignorance. In R. Hertwig and C. Engel (eds.) Deliberate ignorance: choosing not to know. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 29, J. R. Lupp, series editor. Cambridge. MA: MIT Press. Available online:
Song, S., Kim, S.-H. & Utz, S. (2020). Patients’ experiences of diabetes self-management education according to health literacy levels. Clinical Nursing Research, 29, 285-292. DOI:10.1177/1054773819865879
Wolfers, L., Festl, R., & Utz, S. (2020). Do smartphones and social network sites become more important when experiencing stress? Results from longitudinal data. Computers in Human Behavior, 109. DOI:10.1016/j.chb.2020.106339
Utz, S. (2020). Social network sites as vehicles for effective/ineffective social support. In N. Egbert & K.B. Wright (Eds.). Social support and health in the digital age (pp. 5-27). London: Rowman and Littlefield Publishing Group.
Baumann, L. & Utz, S. (2019). How to encourage people to build diverse business networks? Proceedings of 2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, pp. 474-479.
Kim, S.-H. & Utz, S. (2019). Effectiveness of social media-based health-literacy-sensitive diabetes self-management intervention: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 661-669. DOI:0.1111/jnu.12521
Utz, S. (2019). Social media as sources of emotion. In Sassenberg, K. & Vliek, M.L.W. (eds.). Social psychology in action: Evidence-based interventions from theory to practice. (pp. 205-219). New York: Springer.
Utz, S. & Breuer, J. (2019). The relationship between networking, Linkedin use and retrieving informational benefits. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 22, 180-185. DOI:10.1089/cyber.2018.0294
Utz, S. (2019). Die Rolle sozialer Medien im Sport – eine Einführung [The role of social media in sports – an introduction]. In C.G. Grimmer (Ed.), Sportkommunikation in digitalen Medien. Vielfalt, Inszenierung, Professionalisierung. [Sport communication in digital media. Variety, staging, professionalization]. (pp. 3-18). Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer.
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Kim, S.-H. & Utz, S. (2018). Association of health literacy with health information-seeking preference in older adults: a correlational descriptive study. Nursing and Health Sciences. 1-6. DOI:10.1111/nhs.12413
Lin, R., Van de Ven, N. & Utz, S. (2018). What triggers envy on social network sites? A comparison between shared experiential and material purchases. Computers in Human Behavior, 85, 271-281. DOI:10.1016/j.chb.2018.03.049
Utz, S. & Maaß, C.H. (2018). Understanding the relationship between Facebook use and adaptation to financial hardship: evidence from a longitudinal panel study. Computers in Human Behavior, 89, 221-229. DOI:10.1016/j.chb.2018.08.021
Utz, S. & Muscanell, N.L. (2018). Pride, but not envy, mediates the effect of system-generated achievement messages on motivation. Frontiers in Psychology – Emotion Science, 9, DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00628
Balau, N., & Utz, S. (2017). Information sharing as strategic behaviour: The role of information display, social motivation and time pressure. Behaviour and Information Technology, 36(6), 589-605. DOI:10.1080/0144929X.2016.1267263
Lin, R. & Utz, S. (2017). Self-disclosure on SNS: Do disclosure intimacy and narrativity influence interpersonal closeness and social attraction? Computers in Human Behavior, 70, 426-436. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2017.01.012
Levordashka & Utz (2017). Spontaneous trait inferences on social media. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 8(1), 93-101. DOI: 10.1177/1948550616663803
Muscanell, N.E. & Utz, S. (2017). Social networking for scientists: An analysis on how and why academics use ResearchGate. Online Information Review, 41(5),744-759. DOI:10.1108/OIR-07-2016-0185
Sassenberg, K., Cress, U., Kimmerle, J. & Utz, S. (2017). Soziale Beziehungen und Gruppen im Internet. [Social relationships and groups in the Internet]. In H. W. Bierhoff &D. Frey (eds.), Enzyklopädie der Psychologie. Serie VI: Sozialpsychologie. [Encyclopedia of Psychology. Series VI: Social Psychology]. (pp. 441-467) Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Utz, S. (2017). POPC and social relationships. In P. Vorderer, D. Hefner, L. Reinecke & C. Klimmt (eds.), Permanently online, permanently connected: living and communicating in a POPC world. (pp. 140-148). New York: Routledge
Utz, S. & Breuer, J. (2017). The relationship between use of social network sites, online social support, and well-being: Results from a 6-wave longitudinal study. Journal of Media Psychology, 29(3), 115-125. DOI:10.1027/1864-1105/a000222
Utz, S. & Levordashka, A. (2017). Knowledge networks in social media. In S. Schwan & U. Cress (eds.), The psychology of digital learning. Constructing, exchanging, and acquiring knowledge with digital media. (pp. 171-186). Heidelberg: Springer.
Al-Saggaf, Y., Utz, S. & Lin. R. (2016). Venting negative emotions on Twitter and the number of followers and followees. International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development, 8(1), 45-56. DOI: 10.4018/IJSKD.2016010103
Balau, N., & Utz, S. (2016). Exposing information sharing as strategic behavior: Power as responsibility and ‘trust’ buttons. Journal of Applied Social Psychology,46, 593-606. DOI: 10.1111/jasp.12388
Levordashka, A. & Utz, S. (2016). Ambient awareness: From random noise to digital closeness in online social networks. Computers in Human Behavior, 60, 147-154. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.02.037
Levordashka, A., Utz, S., & Ambros, A. (2016). What’s in a like? Motivations for pressing the like button. Proceedings of the Tenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2016), 623-626. Available from
Lin, R., Levordashka, A., & Utz, S. (2016) Ambient intimacy on Twitter. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 10(1), article 1. DOI: 10.5817/CP2016-1-6
Utz, S. (2016). Is LinkedIn making you more successful? The informational benefits derived from public social media. New Media & Society, 18(11), 2685-2702. DOI: 10.1177/1461444815604143
Utz, S. (2016). Social capital in elektronischen Medien. [Social capital in electronic media] In N. Krämer, S. Schwan, D. Unz, & M. Suckfüll (eds.), Medienpsychologie. Schlüsselbegriffe und Konzepte [Media psychology: Key terms and concepts] (pp. 378-384). Kohlhammer: Stuttgart.
Utz, S. (2016). Wie social media den beruflichen Wissensaustausch fördern können. [How social media can foster professional knowledge exchange] Psychologische Rundschau, 67, 118-124. DOI: 10.1026/0033-3042/a000304
Utz, S., & Breuer, J. (2016). Informational benefits from social media use for professional purposes: Results from a longitudinal study. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 10(4), article 3. DOI:10.5817/CP2016-4-3
Utz, S. & Jankowski, J. (2016). Making “friends” in a virtual world: the role of preferential attachment, homophily and status. Social Science Computer Review, 34(5), 546-566. DOI:10.1177/0894439315605476
Van Ingen, E., Utz, S., & Toepol, V. (2016). Online coping after negative life events: Measurement, prevalence, and relation with internet activities and well-being. Social Science Computer Review, 34(5), 511-529. DOI:10.1177/0894439315600322
Walrave, M., Utz, S., Schouten, A. P., & Heirman, W. (2016). Editorial: The state of online self-disclosure in an era of commodified privacy. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 10(1), article 1. DOI: 10.5817/CP2016-1-1
Jankowski, J., Michalski, R., Bródka, P., Kazienko, P., & Utz, S. (2015). Knowledge acquisition from social platforms based on network distributions fitting. Computers in Human Behavior, 51, 685-693. DOI:
Kleinnijenhuis, J., Schultz, F., Utz, S., & Oegema, D. (2015). The mediating role of the news in the BP oil spill crisis: How US news depends on public relations and affects public awareness, foreign news and the share price. Communication Research, 42, 408-424. DOI: 10.1177/0093650213510940
Lin, R. & Utz, S. (2015). The emotional responses of browsing facebook: happiness, envy, and the role of tie strength. Computers in Human Behavior, 52, 29-38. DOI:10.1016/j.chb.2015.04.064
Utz, S. (2015). The function of self-disclosure on social networking sites: not only intimate, but also positive and entertaining self-disclosures increases the feeling of connection. Computers in Human Behavior, 45, 1-10. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2014.11.076
Utz, S. & Muscanell, N. (2015). Social media and social capital: Introduction to the special issue. Societies, 5, 420-424. DOI: 10.3390/soc5020420
Utz, S., Muscanell, N.L. & Khalid, C. (2015). Snapchat elicits more jealousy than Facebook: A comparison of Snapchat and Facebook use. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 18, 141-146. DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2014.0479
Utz, S., Muscanell, N. & Göritz, A.S. (2014). Give, match, or take: A new personality construct predicts resource and information sharing. Personality and Individual Differences, 70, 11-16. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2014.06.011
Utz, S. (2014). Media and friendships. In M.B. Oliver & A.A. Raney (eds.), Media and social life (pp. 111-123). Routledge: New York, NY.
Schultz, F. & Utz, S. (2013): Krisenkommunikation und Social Media in der vernetzten Gesellschaft. Theoretische Perspektiven und empirische Befunde [Crisis communication and social media in the networked society. Theoretical perspectives and empirical results] (pp. 331-341). In A. Thiessen (Ed.), Handbuch Krisenmanagement [Handbook crisis management]. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag.
Utz, S. & Schultz, F. (2013). Authentizität im Onlinereputationsmanagement. [Authenticity in online reputation management]. (pp. 169-181). In M. Emmer, A. Filipovic, J.-H. Schmidt, & I. Stapf (eds.). Echtheit, Wahrheit, Ehrlichkeit. Authentizität in der Online-Kommunikation [Genuineness, truth, honesty. Authenticity in online-communication]. Beltz-Juventa.
Utz, S., Schultz, F., & Glocka, S. (2013). Crisis communication online: How medium, crisis type and emotions affected public reactions in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. Public Relations Review, 39, 40-46. DOI: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2012.09.010
Schultz, F., Kleinnijenhuis, J., Oegema, D., Utz, S., & Van Atteveldt, W. (2012). Strategic framing in the BP crisis: A semantic network analysis of associative frames. Public Relations Review, 39, 97-107.DOI: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2011.08.003
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Utz, S., Jonas, K.J., & Tonkens, E. (2012). The effects of passion for MMORPGs on interpersonal relationships. Journal of Media Psychology, 24, 77-86. DOI: 10.1027/1864-1105/a000066
Utz, S. & Kerkhof, P., & Van Den Bos, J. (2012). Consumers rule: How consumer reviews influence trust in online stores. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. 11,49-58. DOI: 10.1016/j.elerap.2011.07.010
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Kleinnijenhuis, J., Van den Hooff, B., Utz, S., Vermeulen, I.E., & Huysman, M. (2011). Social influence in networks of practice: An analysis of organizational communication content. Communication Research, 38, 587-612. DOI: 10.1177/0093650210385225
Schultz, F. Utz, S., & Göritz A. (2011). Is the medium the message? Perceptions of and reactions to crisis communication on twitter, blogs and traditional media. Public Relations Review, 37, 20-27. DOI: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2010.12.001
Utz, S. & Beukeboom, C.J. (2011). The role of social network sites in romantic relationships: Effects on jealousy and relationship happiness. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 16, 511-527. DOI: 10.1111/j.1083-6101.2011.01552.x
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Utz, S. (2010). Show me your friends and I will tell you what type of person you are: how own profile, number of friends, and type of friends influence impression formation on social network sites. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 15, 314-335. DOI: 10.1111/j.1083-6101.2010.01522.x
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Utz, S., Matzat, U., & Snijders, C. (2009). Online Reputation Systems: The Effects of Feedback Comments and Reactions on Building and Rebuilding Trust in Online Auctions. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 13, 95-118. DOI: 10.2753/JEC1086-4415130304
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Utz, S. (2002). Interaktion und Identität in virtuellen Gemeinschaften [Interaction and identity in virtual communities]. In B. Bente, N.C. Krämer & A. Petersen (Hrsg.), Virtuelle Realitäten [Virtual realities] (pp. 159-180). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Utz, S. & Jonas, K.J. (2002). MUDs – Ergänzung oder Ersatz traditioneller Bindungen bei jungen Erwachsenen. [Virtual communities – completion or compensation of traditional ties]. Zeitschrift für Medienpsychologie, 14, 52-59.
Utz, S. & Sassenberg, K. (2002). Distributive justice in common-bond and common-identity groups. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 5, 151-162. DOI: 10.1177/1368430202005002542
Utz, S. (2001). Der Aufbau von interpersonalen Beziehungen in MUDs: Die Rolle von Motiven und Kommunikationsstrategien. [The development of interpersonal relationships in MUDs: The role of motives and communication strategies]. Gruppendynamik und Organisationsberatung, 32, 145-160. Link to paper
Utz, S. (2001). E-communities: Soziale Identifikation mit virtuellen Gemeinschaften. [E-communities: Social identification with virtual communities]. In J. Eberspächer & U. Hertz (Hrsg.), Leben in der e-Society. Computerintelligenz für den Alltag [Living in the e-society] (S. 157-170). Berlin: Springer.
Utz, S. & Sassenberg, K. (2001). Attachment to a virtual seminar: The role of experience, motives, and fulfillment of expectations. In U.-D. Reips & M. Bosnjak (Eds.), Dimensions of Internet Science (pp. 323-336). Lengerich: Pabst.
Utz, S. (2000). Identifikation mit virtuellen Arbeitsgruppen und Organisationen. [Identification with virtual teams and organizations]. In M. Boos, K.J. Jonas, K. Sassenberg (Hrsg.), Computervermittelte Kommunikation in Organisationen. [Computer-mediated communication in organizations]. (S. 41-55). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Utz, S. (2000). Social Information Processing in MUDs: The development of friendships in virtual worlds. Journal of Online Behavior, 1 (1). Retrieved from the World Wide Web: Author version
Utz, S. (2000). Virtuelle Gemeinschaft und traditionelle Bindungen. Comunità virtuale e legami tradizionali [Virtual community and traditional bonds]. In J. Gallenmüller-Roschmann, M. Martini & R. Wakenhut (Hrsg.), Ethnisches und nationales Bewußtsein – Studien zur sozialen Kategorisierung. Coscienza etnica e coscienza nazionale – Studi sulla categorizzazione sociale [Ethnic and national consciousness – studies on social categorization]. (S. 187 – 210). Frankfurt a. Main: Lang.
Utz, S. (1999). Virtuelle Gemeinschaften und soziale Identität. [Computer-mediated communication and social identity]. In M. Bornewasser & R. Wakenhut (Hrsg.), Ethnisches und nationales Bewußtsein – zwischen Globalisierung und Regionalisierung [Ethnic and national consciousness – between globalization and regionalization] (S. 229-244). Frankfurt a. Main: Lang.
Utz, S. (1999). Untersuchungsformen in MUDs. [Different empirical methods of research studying MUDs]. In B. Batinic, L., Graef, A. Werner & W. Bandilla (Hrsg.) Online Research (S. 305-318). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Utz, S., Rank, B. & Riketta, M. (1999). Strukturwandel und Technisierung – Auswirkungen auf künftige Qualifikationsanforderungen an Bankbeschäftigte. [Structural Change and the Growing Use of Modern Technologies: Effects on Future Demands on Employees’ Qualifications]. In M.L. Landmesser & J. Simon (Hrsg.), Bankenmarkt im Wandel [Changing bank market]. (S. 77-107). Wiesbaden: DG-Verlag.
Utz, S. & Sassenberg, K. (1999). Bindung an ein virtuelles Seminar – Die Rolle von Erfahrungen, Motiven und Erwartungserfüllung. [Ties to a virtual seminar – the role of experience, motives, and fulfillment of expectations]. In U.-D. Reips, B. Batinic, W. Bandilla, M. Bosnjak, L. Gräf, K. Moser, & A. Werner (Eds./Hrsg.), Current Internet science – trends, techniques, results. Aktuelle Online Forschung – Trends, Techniken, Ergebnisse. Zürich: Online Press. [WWW document]. Available URL:
Utz, S. (1999). Soziale Identifikation mit virtuellen Gemeinschaften – Bedingungen und Konsequenzen. Lengerich: Pabst.