PhD position available

I’m looking for a PhD student (36 months, starting July 1st or later) interested in the effects of knowledge-related social and mobile media use or other topics fitting to my Everyday Media Lab. Candidates should have a background in communication science, psychology, or a related discipline; knowledge of computational methods is an asset. Candidates who’d increase the diversity of the team are especially welcome.

Full job ad here

Lab upgraded

Now the official news is out – I have been upgraded from junior research lab to research lab. The title will also change from Social Media to Everyday Media to cover the fact that we also study how podcasts, YouTube videos, chatbots, or voice assistants like Alexa are used for knowledge-related processes. German news here.

New publication

Our review paper Social Media Use, Stress, and Coping in the special issue of Current Opinion in Psychology is finally online! Click here!

PHD Position Available

I’m looking for a PhD student willing to work on one of the topics of the lab, for example informal learning with social media, algorithm acceptance, or human-machine communication. First round of interviews will start soon, but applications are still possible. More information here.